前段时间,测试给了个bug ,前端显示时第一页和第二页有重复的数据,后台debug测试也有。把控制台打印的sql考到可视化工具跑一下,问题还是有。
select * from( select <include refid="Base_Column_List"/>, case when TRAIN_STATUS=1 then '1' when TRAIN_STATUS=2 then '2' when TRAIN_STATUS=3 then '3' when TRAIN_STATUS=5 then '5' when (to_char(TRAIN_START_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') || TRAIN_START_TIME) > to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-ddHH24:mi') then '4-1' when (to_char(TRAIN_END_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') || TRAIN_END_TIME) > to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-ddHH24:mi') then '4-2' else '4-3' end as STATUS from TB_TRAINING_INFO order by case when STATUS='1' then 1 when STATUS='3' then 2 when STATUS='4-1' then 3 when STATUS='4-2' then 4 when STATUS='4-3' then 5 when STATUS='2' then 6 else 7 end asc ) <where> <if test="trainName!=null and trainName!=''"> and TRAIN_NAME like '%' || #{trainName,jdbcType=OTHER} ||'%' </if> <if test="originatorName!=null and originatorName!=''"> and ORIGINATOR_NAME like '%' || #{originatorName,jdbcType=OTHER} || '%' </if> <if test="originatorOrgName!=null and originatorOrgName!=''"> and ORIGINATOR_ORG_NAME like '%' || #{originatorOrgName,jdbcType=OTHER} || '%' </if> <if test="trainStatus!=null and trainStatus!=''"> and TRAIN_STATUS = #{trainStatus,jdbcType=CHAR} </if> <if test="originator!=null and originator!=''"> and ORIGINATOR = #{originator,jdbcType=OTHER} </if> <if test="status!=null and status!=''"> and STATUS = #{status,jdbcType=OTHER} </if> and delete_flag='0' </where>
select * from( select <include refid="Base_Column_List"/>, case when TRAIN_STATUS=1 then '1' when TRAIN_STATUS=2 then '2' when TRAIN_STATUS=3 then '3' when TRAIN_STATUS=5 then '5' when (to_char(TRAIN_START_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') || TRAIN_START_TIME) > to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-ddHH24:mi') then '4-1' when (to_char(TRAIN_END_DATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd') || TRAIN_END_TIME) > to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-ddHH24:mi') then '4-2' else '4-3' end as STATUS from TB_TRAINING_INFO order by case when STATUS='1' then 1 when STATUS='3' then 2 when STATUS='4-1' then 3 when STATUS='4-2' then 4 when STATUS='4-3' then 5 when STATUS='2' then 6 else 7 end asc,UPDATE_DATE desc ) <where> <if test="trainName!=null and trainName!=''"> and TRAIN_NAME like '%' || #{trainName,jdbcType=OTHER} ||'%' </if> <if test="originatorName!=null and originatorName!=''"> and ORIGINATOR_NAME like '%' || #{originatorName,jdbcType=OTHER} || '%' </if> <if test="originatorOrgName!=null and originatorOrgName!=''"> and ORIGINATOR_ORG_NAME like '%' || #{originatorOrgName,jdbcType=OTHER} || '%' </if> <if test="trainStatus!=null and trainStatus!=''"> and TRAIN_STATUS = #{trainStatus,jdbcType=CHAR} </if> <if test="originator!=null and originator!=''"> and ORIGINATOR = #{originator,jdbcType=OTHER} </if> <if test="status!=null and status!=''"> and STATUS = #{status,jdbcType=OTHER} </if> and delete_flag='0' </where>
总结:order by的时候最后在目标排序字段的基础上应该加上一个可以保证唯一性的字段对数据进行排序
文章来源: 博客园
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